Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday: Kalona's Fall

It's back to books for this week's Waiting on Wednesday, and we're looking at the next installment of the House of Night novellas. Today we're talking about Kalona's Fall.

Since his appearance in early books of the House of Night saga, Kalona has been a character that I've always wanted to know more about. Now it seems I'm getting my wish as P.C. and Kristin Cast have given us a behind the wings look at the Tulsa House of Night's most mysterious creatures.

The early release synopsis from Barnes & Noble reads like this:

In Kalona's Fall, the shadows in Kalona's past will finally come to light... We will learn about the winged immortal's secret history and discover how he went from being the Goddess's Warrior and Guardian to her enemy and betrayer. Did Darkness taint Kalona as it did Neferet, or has the powerful immortal always preferred power over honor, and control over faith? This novella will be crucial to fans' understanding of Kalona, before his role in the explosive final installment of the House of Night, Redeemed, coming in October 2014. 

Such an enigmatic character definitely deserves his own story. And I'm glad to see that the final installment of the House of Night novellas is about perhaps the most interesting character in the entire series. It's going to be the most interesting and the best novella, on par with Neferet's Curse.

Kalona's Fall will be available July 29, 2014 from St. Martin's Press.

You can bet I'll be reading this one over and over.

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